Wayne Jacobsen will be teaching a class on Glass Stripping 102 for GAGU members.
This class will make 2 objects that will not require cold working. You will be required to fuse and slump the final shape in your kiln.
What will make this class special is that each attendee will receive one of Wayne’s prototype Strip-It Rite tool for making precise and consistent strips of glass. Don’t do much stripping? Strip-It Rite will replace the T-Bar and hand cutter you currently use.
Everyone will be required to bring 2 waffle squares to glass in addition to running pliers. The Strip-It Rite tool works with the waffle grid system. If you do not have a Morton system, Wayne can sell you 2 waffle squares for an extra $20.
The cost of the class will be $225, glass provided. Those who plan to take the class can sign onto the GAGU Facebook page and indicate a preference for the 4 hour class to be on Saturday, October 4 or Sunday, October 5 (Say 11-3). Location TBA.