Jodi McRaney-Rusho has made the following class dates available to us to teach her beautiful pearl paint on glue chip glass technique.
Tuesday, September 16 – 6PM to PM
Wednesday, October 1 – 6PM to 9PM
Thursday, October 16 – 6PM to 9PM
( a minimum of 3 students per date is necessary to run the class and the max per class is 6. Sign up early to get your preferred date. )
Jodi’s Studio is located at: 2041 East 2100 South. (Park in the lot directly east of her house). Cost including materials is $75.00. Check payable to GAGU.
Sign up for classes and payment is to be made to Lori Scharf:
Send Lori an email by August 10th with your preferred date.
Full payment is due 30 days prior to your class date.
No refund on cancellations made less than 7 days prior to class date.
Lori Scharf: Address: 1767 S Nevada St. SLC 84108
Jodi will have additional glue chip glass available at a 20% discount for class attendees on the dates of classes. She will also have additional pre cut textured glass pieces at the 20% off. Members who cannot attend a class may stoll drop by her studio on class dates between 5 and 6pm to take advantage of this discount for GAGU members..
Jodi is known for her ability to create beautiful fused glass art from glass that is supposedly not for fusing and costs much less than fusable glass. Take this opportunity to learn the skills.
Happy Glassing everyone!