The Glass Art Guild of Utah is pleased to announce the awards for its Spring Show and Sale. The exhibit is being held at the Pioneer Theatre’s Loge Gallery, which is on display through the end of May (see previous articles, below). The Guild recognizes the artists for their skill, creativity, and uniqueness in fused glass art. Here is the list for the 2018 show:

Best of Show, Connie Lundberg

Best of Show Large glass flowers, by Connie Lundberg

Best Fused Art, Ben Booth

Best Fused Art Kings Court, by Ben Booth

Best Functional Fused, Dana Worley

Best Functional Fused Tuxedo Bowl, by Dana Worley

Best Lampwork, Onno Matheus

Best Lampwork Palao, by Onno Matheus

Best Novelty, Jan Harris Smith

Best Novelty Garden Bells, by Jan Harris Smith

Most Innovative or Technically Difficult, Diane Whittaker

Most Innovative or Technically Difficult Open Vessel, by Diane Whittaker

Best Mixed Media, Diane Whittaker

Best Mixed Media Fish Panel, by Diane Whittaker

Best Fused Jewelry, Lori Scharf

Best Fused Jewelry Fused Glass Pendant, by Lori Scharf

In addition to these artists, the Guild would like to recognize its other members who participated in the show: Sharon Bresin, Barbara Busche, Kerry Collett, Ruth Ann Garner, Linda Kalmar, Suzanne Larson, Jodi McRaney-Rusho, Kathi Olsen, Joe Perretto, Amber Scheid, Takara Scheid, Kathy Watt, and Mary Young.

The Guild would like to thank Kandace Steadman (Finch Lane Gallery), Dan Cummings (Spectrum Glass Studio), and David Estes (David Estes Studio Art Gallery) for graciously volunteering their time to judge the event.