Kerry Transtrum, Scholarship Committee Chair

“This groundbreaking scholarship program has had a tremendous response and is truly one of our greatest accomplishments. The best thing about it all is we are just getting started. As a testament to what our organization is about and what we do I would like to acknowledge the fact that each and every member of GAGU has contributed to this important program in one way or another.  We would also like to give special thanks to Bullseye Glass Company for their help in sponsoring this program.”



The Glass Art Guild Scholarship Committee has announced that 17 scholarships have been awarded for 2025. The average scholarship amount was about $500. Of the 17 recipients ten scholarships went to members and seven went to nonmembers. Winners were notified in February.

This is a new project for the guild and the first year of funding. Scholarships will now be awarded annually and are limited to $1,000 dollars each. The scholarships help fund any educational opportunities in the glass arts and anyone residing in the state of Utah is eligible to apply, said Scholarship Committee Chair Kerry Transtrum. 

“We’re (the Scholarship Committee) proud to have been able to put this program in place and to help so many people to enhance their fused-glass skills. I think this (the scholarship program) is the greatest thing our Guild has ever done,” he said, adding that the glass arts have diminished across the country in recent years and the scholarship program will help generate renewed interest.

To help raise funds “we plan to have another auction at our annual barbecue in September and will continue to ask members to donate an art piece or a percentage of their profits at guild-sponsored art shows,” Kerry said, noting that the Scholarship Committee is also putting together a list of possible annual donors that would be interested in supporting the program. “We thank the previous donors for their support and are always open to any ideas on how to make this better,” he added.

GAGU members who received Guild Scholarships for 2025 are: Yvonne Applegate, Access to Bullseye Glass Video Library; Anthony Barbano, Casting Workshop with Kerry Transtrum Studio-de-Verre; Deborah Byrnes, Access to Bullseye Glass Video Library; Jose Ramon Castillo, Creating Dimensions  Milkweed Arts (online class); Kerry Collett, Narcissus Quagliata Masterclass Session 6  (online class); Katie Jolma, Access to Bullseye Glass Video Library; Andrea Malouf, How the Work Gets Made with Ted Sawyer of Bullseye Glass; Lori Scharf, Advanced Pattern Making Class; Brian Scott, Paul Tarlow Session at Pilchuck Glass School; Kevin Scott, Cold Working and Dichroic Jewelry at the Las Vegas Glass Craft and Bead Expo.

Nonmember Scholarship Awardees are: Madison Jane Barnard, Casting Positive and Negative, Penland School of Crafts; Ric Blackerby, Access to Bullseye Glass Video Library; Hunter Gabel, Intro to Glass Fusing with Jodi McRaney Rusho; Sarinda Jones, How the Work Gets Done with Ted Sawyer of Bullseye Glass; Lori Krasny, Mastering the Edge at the Las Vegas Glass Craft and Bead Expo; Pollyanna Tullis, Access to Bullseye Glass Video Library; Talia Woodbury, Intro to Glass Fusing with Jodi McRaney Rusho.

After getting notice that she received a scholarship, Glass Guild member Andrea Malouf explained that when she discovered Ted Sawyer’s How the Glass Gets Made, “I was thrilled—until I saw the $750+ price tag. Between my son’s college tuition and his housing costs, I just couldn’t justify the expense. Then, the Glass Art Guild of Utah Scholarship changed everything, making it possible for me to take the five-week online Bullseye class.  The very first line of the course had me hooked: How can you find inspiration consistently? And how can you then translate it into compelling, satisfying works of glass? This sparked something deep within me. As a full-time writing professor, I can’t produce glass in large quantities like many artists in the Glass Guild. But I’ve come to realize that quantity isn’t the point—I want my creativity to shine in my small studio. Thanks to this course and the GAGU Scholarship, I feel my artistic energy flowing again, and I couldn’t be more grateful for this opportunity!”

Katie Jolma joined the Glass Art Guild last summer and has been creating glass for two years. The new Guild Scholarship Program gave Katie funds to access the Bullseye Video Library. “I chose to apply for this funding because there is so much information (in the Bullseye Video Library) and I can now access it at my own pace. I feel very supported by the Guild and am thankful for the scholarship money,” she said.

Talia Woodbury just finished an introductory class in fused glass that was funded through the scholarship program and is planning to join the guild in the near future. She has been working in stained glass for two years and applied for the scholarship to expand her glass education. “I plan to combine stained glass with fused glass and refine both skills,” she said, adding she is grateful to the Guild for giving her the opportunity to work with Jodi McRaney Russo in her Glass with a Past studio. 

Kerry got the idea to start the scholarship program after attending a National Glass Association meeting in 2023. The Utah Guild then formed the new committee which met as needed in 2024 to set up the scholarship guidelines and application process. Since that time several fundraisers have been held, and donations have come in through member donations and donations from various organizations. More than $13,000 was raised last year and $6,800 of that amount was awarded this year.


The Glass Art Guild of Utah will be awarding education scholarships to emerging and established glass artists residing in the state of Utah to attend classes and events related to kiln-formed and cast glass.  The maximum award will not exceed $1000 per applicant.  Members and non-members of the guild may apply.

Scholarship Committee Chair and founding guild member, Kerry Transtrum, got the idea to start the scholarship program after looking into what is currently in place at similar national glass associations.  He then sent out a survey to judge guild interest in the project. Survey respondents overwhelmingly agreed that establishing a scholarship fund was a good idea for the guild and that the funds would be available to both members and nonmembers. Most respondents also said they would be willing to give a monetary gift, an art piece, or volunteer time to support the scholarship fund and committee. In addition, most respondents indicated that a small percentage of guild savings or a small percentage of guild dues could be used to help fund the program.



The scholarship application form is now available on the guild’s website in a downloadable format.  Click HERE to get more details and to access the application form.